Our products were distributed to both domestic and international companies in countries and regions such as in Australia, the USA, Oman, Hong Kong, China and the Chinese Mainland.
CSE started from onshore facilities fabrication, since the first successful delivery of onshore facility,we continue to improve and strengthen our manpower and equipment and carefully develop advanced technology and new methods to strive our best to fulfill our clients' and project requirements. Up to now, we have provided outstanding services to numerous industry sectors worldwide and had expertise in construction for civil infrastructure, mining, port machinery, etc.
Our extensive experience in the construction of onshore facilities includes: Barge Loader, Gantry Cranes, Bridges and Steel Structures for Civil Architecture.
Onshore Facility Performance
6 Sets of Gantry Cranes
Clients: IHI
Location: Oman
Weight (t): 7,000
Delivery: 1998
Brown Center Steel Structure
Clients: Cleveland
Location: Houston
Weight (t): 3,300
Delivery: 2002
C117 Sino Barge Loader
Clients: Sandvik
Location: Australia
Weight (t): 1,000
Delivery: 2010
Ting Kau Bridge, Hong Kong
Clients: TKC
Location: Hong Kong
Weight (t): 12,000
Delivery: 1996